my partner and i were tasked with redesigning CL for a market that wasn't responding to what CL had been saying. this was our take. suffice it to say, it didn't go anywhere.
Started a series with pinups with outfits based on male comic book villians... more to come on this one- Dr. Doom, Galactus, the Watcher, Red Skull, the Penguin, Loki, Crimson Dynamo, Brainiac and more!
I really wanted to see this one in market. I mean, it can't possibly look like the other stuff one would come across in upstate Michigan. Luckily, it went over well, so I'll be doing more for this acoustic duo.
it always comes down to making the logo bigger. this could've been slightly less in your face if the dang sharks would just be cool with a smaller sign off, i mean, its in their stadium for crying out loud! either way, it makes me wanna an ice cold brew.
this was fun to do a different art style to the standard for this brand (faux-impressionism) and do something that relates to the demographic. 2010 is the year of the tiger and it really fits well with with overall scheme and layout. i'm glad we didn't try this for year of the rat.
donavon is a pro surfer that coors light sponsors. total hippie dude that spends his time riding the waves and making very socal music. i really wasn't digging what he was wearing but thats his style so... whatever. the people that know him, and are his fans, want to see him the way he is, not as a corporate version of himself. but, i really don't get that 'stache.
this was one of the hardest displays to make, not creative-wise... but because that is an actual Gibson Les Paul that we bolted onto this thing. but i think in the club its going in, its gonna catch some eyes.
i was gearing up for the big drive back to the lone star from the mile high and it was going to take forever. so i thought about great car movies and death proof has so many references its a car chase movie 101 for anyone who doesn't know what im talking about.
Type execution for a work thing. played off of the whole shabang people are on about global warming. so its getting warming... hot tubs are warm and people like them.